
Natural Chemical Free Tips

Easy Chemical Free Way To Clean Wooden Chopping Boards.

To clean your chopping board, in particular your wooden boards and keep them in good condition you should avoid using soap or chemical cleaners which might be absorbed into the wood and eventually make their way into your foods. Read more.

Five Household Uses for Vinegar

Vinegar has natural antibacterial properties. It also dissolves oils to some extent which makes it's a great natural chemical free alternative to harsh commercial cleaners. Read more.

Four Ways to use Coconut oil as a Moisturiser

Coconut oil is easily absorbed by the skin and is therefore a great natural moisturiser. Because coconut oil contains lauric acid it has natural antibacterial properties. We use coconut oil as a natural moisturiser in the following ways. Read more.

Oil pulling (Mouthwash)

Oil pulling is a great way to freshen your breath and reduce plaque accumulation. Since the bacteria responsible for tooth decay and bad breath is pretty nasty, keeping it under control can result in additional benefits like whiter teeth, healthier gums, clearer sinuses less allergy outbreaks and clearer skin. Read more.

Propagating Plant Cuttings with Honey

You can pay an arm and a leg for a plant these days and it turns out you can grow your own for almost nothing. You don’t need seeds because you can grow most plants from a fresh cutting. Make sure you get permission to take a cutting of course. Read more.

SATAN'S PLOT : Cutting SciFi

Satan's Plot

Go on the action adventure of a lifetime, question the human condition and discover how the universe really works.


Try the sample or read the book on Kobo or Amazon.

THE SYNTH: Serious SciFi

The Synth

Escape on a Domain star-liner to a prosperous new world.

Get ready for a brilliant intellectual scifi action adventure


Try the sample or read the book on Kobo or Amazon.