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Yoghurt can be expensive to buy in some countries. Really however it shouldn’t cost much more than the milk used to make it.

Additionally, genuine yoghurt shouldn’t contain anything but milk and friendly bacteria.

What you will need


To Pasteurise or Not to Pasteurise.

All types of milk should be pasteurised at this stage. Any milk you use needs to be well within its “use by date”. Consider that yoghurt making is a process of growing bacteria and that you only want to grow the good (yoghurt) bacteria not whatever has fallen in the raw milk since it left the cow.

If you use raw milk then you definitely need to pasteurise. Fresh whole milk and UHT milk that has already been pasteurised should really be pasteurised again. However we use either pasteurised fresh whole milk or UHT (longlife carton) milk and do NOT pasteurise at this stage. We always open a fresh carton just for yoghurt, not leftovers from the fridge. In theory, the unopened milk contains no microbial contaminants. By avoiding pasteurisation we avoid the problem of the milk skinning.

To Pasteurise Do the Following.

Voila real yoghurt!

Before you eat the yoghurt for the first time, remove 100ml or 2 large table spoons and set aside in a sealed dish in the fridge. This will be your starter for the next batch. You can reuse the same yoghurt as starter many times. However when/if the yoghurt flavour starts to change it might be time to get some fresh culture (another snack sized pack of natural yoghurt) from the store.

As the yoghurt ages, or if you stir it, it will lose its solidity and become more liquid, this is normal.

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