
Cosmetics, Helpful or Harmful.

By C Verboom and P Percival

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What ever happened to simple? If you are like a lot of people who question food, drug and cosmetic quality, you might be trying to understand what is really in your favourite cosmetics and whether they are doing you good or harming your health?

In today's hard-sell commercial world it can sometimes be difficult to find honest information about an ingredient. Propaganda launched from all sides of the cosmetic industry makes it difficult to decipher what is true and what isn't. Without thorough independent research and proper labelling laws the confusion surrounding ingredients will probably continue for some time. Relying on governments and corporations to determine what is in people's best interest, is often perilous at best. Clamping down on questionable practices particularly when large profit margins are at stake can be very difficult.

However, informed consumers do have a choice. They can avoiding dangerous chemicals and seek out alternatives. For example LEN recommends and uses Dr Bronner's castile soap. This is a perfectly natural soap made with organic ingredients and contains coconut oil as a moisturizer. Check out our tips or go to the make-your-own menu above for more natural chemical free cleaning/cosmetic alternatives

We recommend avoiding the following ingredients whenever possible:

For more information on chemicals in your cosmetic's check out these links:

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